Overheat Error

What to do if your Touch Trainer displays an "Overheat" error message in the app.

  1. Turn the Touch Trainer off by pressing the silver Power Button on the back, then turn it back on.
  2. Force close the TOCA Training app and try to connect to the Touch Trainer again.
  3. Recalibrate your Touch Trainer.
    • Log in to the TOCA Training app and select "Train" from the hamburger menu in the top left of the screen.
    • Connect to your TOCA Touch Trainer by selecting the "+" symbol in the top right corner of the screen.
    • Select the Touch Trainer you wish to connect to from your located devices list.
    • Once you are connected, tap on the Touch Trainer icon that now appears in the top right corner of the screen next to the "+" symbol.
    • Select "Calibrate", and allow your Touch Trainer to recalibrate.

The TOCA Training App will display this message when the Touch Trainer is overheating. Turning the Touch Trainer off/on should fix the issue. It is suggested to leave the Touch Trainer off for ~5-10 minutes when possible to allow it to cool down.

Make sure when turning it off that it is not sitting in direct sunlight and is in a cool, dry, and ventilated area.