Signing up a Customer for a TOCA Membership Package

This article will cover how to properly sign up a customer for a membership (single player or multiple players) in MBO for the new membership pilot.

  1. Go to your Retail tab and look up a client.
  2. In the Add Item box, click on Contracts/Packages.
  3. Select the contract that you would like to sell.
    1. Only memberships or add-ons that are available for the client will be present
  4. Select the start date of the contract.
  5. Click Add Item.
  6. Before checking out, enter any applicable promotion code to give the correct discount on the membership

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  7. Choose a payment method and complete the transaction.


To Sign up additional family members: 

1. Navigate to the next person's account or create their account

2. Follow steps 1-5 above

3. Before checking out, enter the appropriate promotion code to give the correct discount on the membership for the 2nd player in the family

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4. Complete Transaction